NFT & Metaverse FAQs
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We get it, blockchain tech is a new space undergoing constant change, growth and innovation, so naturally there are going to be a few questions.
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique cryptographic token that represents a scarce digital asset. NFTs are distinguishable from one another, and can be locked so that they are notdivisible. Non-fungible tokens can represent anything of value, such as assets, rights, or privileges. They exist on the blockchain in the form of ERC721 tokens.
Non-fungible tokens are different from fungible tokens which represent cryptocurrency. Fungible means having the property of interchangeability with another instance of itself, as in “the two 10 dollar bills are interchangeable”. Both 10 dollar bills has equal value so they could be substituted for one another equally without any cash value change. One example of a fungible token is a BTC. They are all alike, and you can exchange them equally for one another.
Fungible tokens have been used in the blockchain space to represent cryptocurrency such as Ether or ZCash, but they have their limitations. For example, what if I would want to transfer my house token instead of a cash equivalent? What if I would want to sign the token to prove that it belongs to me and say, you can’t sell my house? These limitations are possible with non-fungible tokens.
Non-fungible tokens first came into play when people started trading cards like Magic: The Gathering online. The value of these cards depended on the rarity of them, and this is where blockchain technology came into play. Every single card was unique so you could not substitute one for another. Before these cards became available on the blockchain there was no way of telling how many of each card existed or who owned specific ones, but now every card has its own unforgeable record on the blockchain.
The most popular use case for non-fungible tokens are CryptoKitties which is a game where you can breed, buy, sell and trade unique digital cats on the blockchain. Each cat has its own genetic code that makes it completely unique from other cats. You can do whatever you want with your CryptoMew, but the price will be determined by how rare they are. A famous one called Genesis was sold for ~$114k back in December 2017. If you’re interested in buying a CryptoKitty, check out this site.
Non-fungible tokens have only been around since September 19th, 2017 with ERC721. Before this, there was no standard way of creating unique digital assets on the blockchain. Now there are multiple types of non-fungible tokens that you can create on different blockchains such as ERC223 or ERC821.
Non-fungible tokens are one of the most versatile use cases for the blockchain so far, and it can be used in many other different ways. For example, you could use non-fungible tokens to store information about your property on the blockchain instead of a traditional deed.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the scam potential of non-fungible tokens depends on how they are used. In general, though, non-fungible tokens could be used to create scams if they are not properly secured. This is the same as the way that you could create a scam using contracts, or websites. The fact that NFTs, websites, and contracts can be used for illicit gain, does not make those things inherently scams.
A Metaverse is an interactive digital world that allows for the sharing of information, experiences and ideas. It is a collaborative space where people can come together to create and learn. Metaverses are designed to promote creativity, entrepreneurship and social interaction. They work by taking advantage of the latest developments in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), where it will be possible to see, hear and interact with others in digital environments.
A Metaverse can take on a number of different forms, but ultimately it will be a collection of interconnected worlds that lets users build and create experiences for each other. In an age where people are constantly looking for ways to express their individuality and creativity, the Metaverse is a platform designed to provide them with the tools they need to do this.
The Metaverse was originally envisioned by the science fiction writer, Neal Stephenson in his seminal 1992 novel Snow Crash , where he described it as a virtual reality-based successor to the Internet. Stephenson imagined that in the future people would meet in virtual spaces, where they could communicate with text or animated avatars and access various services including libraries, games and shops.
This may sound like something that’s straight out of science fiction, but the Metaverse is actually already here. Arguably one of the most well-known examples of a Metaverse in action is Second Life, an online virtual world launched back in 2003. A number of other virtual spaces have sprung up since then though and the technology and infrastructure required to make these worlds possible has developed significantly.
Since non-fungible tokens are unique, they can represent anything that an individual wishes to designate as theirs. They could be used to track real estate ownership, record car titles or prove membership in a club or group. Exchanges like OpenSea and Rare Bits allow users to buy and sell NFTs of various kinds, including rare currencies or game items.
Recently, several decentralized games have begun to sprout up that are exclusively built around the use of non-fungible tokens. Decentraland is a virtual world where users can buy and sell land via smart contracts on the Eos blockchain. They can then build unique 3D scenes on their purchased land. Likewise, CryptoKitties is a game where users “breed” digital cats that can then be bought and sold by other players.
The concepts behind non-fungible tokens are fairly simple. At their heart, all NFTs share the same basic structure: they consist of a registry that denotes what each token represents, and then an ERC-721 smart contract which controls how users interact with it. Each NFT has its own unique identifier, known as a “tokenId,” which allows users to differentiate between individual tokens.
The registry component, which is called a “metadata” smart contract in ERC-721, contains information like the tokenId and its current owner (which can be changed via transactions). It also stores the type of token it represents — for example CryptoKitties uses a metadata contract that specifies each type of token as a “kitty”.
In ERC-721, the smart contract is where tokens take on their characteristics. There are four required functions in the smart contract: “minting,” “transferring,” “approving,” and “balances.” The first, “minting,” allows the smart contract to create new tokens by specifying how it should do so. For example, a MintableToken contract will have a function that accepts parameters like tokenId and quantity which allow it to actually create new tokens.
The second required function is the “transfer” function, which is used for transferring and exchanging tokens. This function allows users to send ERC-721 tokens between addresses on the blockchain. The last two functions in the contract — “approve” and “balanceOf” — are not required by the standard for non-fungible tokens, but are included in most implementations of NFTs. The function “approve” is used to allow other addresses to use your token, whereas “balanceOf” keeps track of how many tokens each address contains.
Non-fungible tokens are mined in a similar way to standard ERC-20 tokens. A miner simply needs to take the transactions received from miners on the network and create a block by bundling them together. In order for this bundle of transactions to be accepted as valid, it must meet some basic criteria. For example, it must begin with a certain number of transactions that pay the transaction fees necessary to mine the block. It also needs to have some unique identifying information about each token’s metadata contract called the “expiration time stamp.
The ERC-721 standard requires that all minting events have an expiration time stamp that is set to the current block number plus three months. This ensures that each token exists for a limited amount of time, and prevents an attacker from tampering with the metadata after the fact.
So far, this innovation has primarily been used by the gaming industry. The first major non-fungible token was used to represent unique graphic cards in cryptocurrency mining games like CryptoKitties and Etheremon. NFTs are also being used at the moment, for instance, to distribute unique items in Decentraland. These are just a few examples of how NFTs can be used to generate revenue for games. There are many others that have yet to be discovered.
There are many ways to make money in the metaverse. Some people create and sell virtual goods, others offer services such as virtual concierge or real estate services, and still others find ways to monetize their social media presence. The most successful entrepreneurs in the metaverse find a way to provide value to others and build a following around their work. It could be a game like BeatSaber, or it could be a limited run of wearables that generate interest and sales in the metaverse.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the metaverse can be accessed in many ways depending on your preferences and needs. Some people access it through virtual reality devices like the Oculus Rift, while others use programs like Second Life or Sansar. There are also a number of social media platforms that allow users to enter the metaverse, including Facebook Spaces and VRChat. Ultimately, it’s up to you to find the way that works best for you using a platform that helps you achieve what you are setting out to do.
We deliver clarity and simplicity in an extremely fast-moving and jargon-heavy sector. If you can recognise the opportunity that is presented by NFTs and the metaverse, while also understanding the challenges and time required to navigate the landscape, then we can help.
Taking your collection from design, to generation, right through to minting, promotion and community moderation.
We work with you to design, build and implement a complete range (or unique piecies) for the metaverse realm of your choice.
Not sure where to start? Unsure if the space is right for you? Book a free no-obligation consultation and we will help answer your questions.
It is a widely held belief that over the next decade 40% of all digital transactions will happen on blockchains serving the metaverse. This means that the metaverse presents unquestionably the single biggest investment and business growth opportunity since the advent of the digital age. meta mooch is positioning itself as a leading partner for global consumer businesses to enter this exciting new space.
One of the most important benefits of NFTs is their ability to be fast and global. They can quickly transfer value all over the world without having to go through a third party. This makes them ideal for cross-border transactions.
Bitcoin transactions are irreversible because once they are verified and added to the blockchain, they cannot be modified or removed. This security feature makes bitcoin a popular choice for online transactions.
There are a few reasons why non fungible tokens are more secure than other types of tokens. First, they are more difficult to counterfeit because they are unique. They can be used to verify the identity of the owner, which helps to prevent theft.
Blockchains are built on a distributed ledger technology. This means that instead of having a central authority controlling the ledger, the ledger is distributed across all of the nodes in the network. This makes the ledger tamper-proof, as any changes to the ledger would need to be approved by all of the nodes in the network.
Tokens can be transferred to other wallets, but they will always maintain their unique value. This makes them perfect for representing digital assets or rare items that need to be tracked and verified.
We help artists, creators, and brands create a presence in the minds of consumers with NFTs, metaverse assets, and blockchain technologies.